Not sure why I haven't blogged about this...God definitely deserves praise for this! This spring we had a speaker on campus encouraging us to make an impossible prayer list and really pray in faith. So that night we did. On our way home Drew and discussed what we each had on our list. We each put a family vehicle on our list, because with Dax coming soon we could barely fit our stoller into the trunk...let alone everything else we would need when we travel with him. Well, we spent time praying together as we drove home from Nav Night and asked God to provide us with a family vehicle. THE NEXT MORNING my dad called (he did this secretly between he and Drew) and asked Drew if we were in the market for a family vehicle. NO ONE knew we had just prayed for this the night before, so Drew nearly fell off the bed when my dad asked him that. Drew said we just started praying for one and my dad said, "well, I bought a new Sequoia and instead of trading my old one in I thought you might like to have it since your family is expanding." So when they came out to meet Dax for the first time the surprised me by giving us this 8 passenger amazing vehicle...leather interior, heated seats, sun roof...AMAZING! God continues to do immeasuralby more than we could ask or imagine.